N.Y.P.D. New Year's Punishment Day .
Spin Moved to Friday the 2nd for saftey reasons.
Spin Leaving from Courthouse at 9 O' Clock Friday 2nd!
110KM of hell guaranteed.
2,000 meters elevation.
Honk 'till you bonk formula = Go home when you can't take anymore .
Stop at the top and wait.
You can take as long as you like on each climb and you will never be more than 20k from home, if you have a change of heart (and chances are it'll be all downhill on the way home). Club members Sally and Rachel Drennan have kindly offered to provide tea and coffee to anybody who makes it as far as their house , in return for a small donation to the Simon Community. Weather looks windy with some light showers possible.
Temperature won't matter because you won't be cold. The Linked Strava map ( click on the underlinned title) can be be downloaded onto the Garmin 810.
Please direct all complaints on the Day to Peter Moloney